Oil cooler - Heatexchanger 22KW

We have 4 Coolers available new/unused from a cancelled project. Complete documentation and certificates are available

Product Description:

Make : SHE Specialist Heatexchangers ltd
Year : 2017
Bundle; 426 kg 
Material Bundle : 316L
Total weight : 670 kg each


IHB international

‘Dead capital' is a very common phenomenon in industry, more so than in any other sector. What do you do with your surplus inventory? Or your unsaleable articles? Usually, these items are just wasting away somewhere or are occupying precious space, while they could still bring in money if they were sold. And that is exactly what IHB International organises for you.

Since 2005, IHB International has specialised in the purchase and sale of surplus and superfluous equipment in the broadest sense of the word. IHB International makes sure that surplus goods are turned into liquid assets, puts an end to storage costs and ensures that more space becomes available again, in physical as well as financial terms.

IHB International has a VIHB certificate (Transporters, Collectors, Dealers and Mediators of waste products) and is therefore permitted to transport, recycle or destroy defective or surplus machines that are not suitable for selling. In addition, IHB may purchase, transport and sell recyclable waste products.

IHB International takes care of:

  • Selling your surplus machines, production lines, etc.
  • Dismantling, transporting and storing the equipment.
  • Complete clearance of businesses.
  • Purchasing your unsaleable supplies.
  • Transporting, recycling and destroying unsaleable machines.
